Source code for deep_time_series.chunk

import numpy as np
import torch
import xarray as xr

[docs]class BaseChunkSpec: PREFIX = '' def __init__(self, tag, names, range_, dtype): self.tag = tag self.names = names self.range = range_ self.dtype = dtype @property def tag(self) -> str: if self._tag is None: raise NotImplementedError(f'Define {self.__class__._name__}.tag') return self._tag @tag.setter def tag(self, value: str): if not isinstance(value, str): raise TypeError(f'Invalid type for "tag": {type(value)}') if not value.startswith(self.PREFIX): value = f'{self.PREFIX}.{value}' self._tag = value @property def names(self) -> list[str]: if self._names is None: raise NotImplementedError(f'Define {self.__class__._name__}.names') return self._names @names.setter def names(self, value): if not isinstance(value, (list, tuple)): raise TypeError('Invalid type for "names"') if not all((isinstance(name, str) for name in value)): raise TypeError('Invalid type for "names"') self._names = list(value) @property def range(self) -> tuple[int, int]: if self._range is None: raise NotImplementedError(f'Define {self.__class__._name__}.range') return self._range @range.setter def range(self, value: tuple[int, int]): if not isinstance(value, (tuple, list)): raise TypeError(f'Invalid type for "range": {type(value)}') if not isinstance(value[0], int): raise TypeError(f'Invalid type for "range[0]": {type(value)}') if not isinstance(value[1], int): raise TypeError(f'Invalid type for "range[1]": {type(value)}') if value[0] >= value[1]: raise ValueError('range[0] >= range[1]') self._range = tuple(value) @property def dtype(self) -> np.dtype: if self._dtype is None: raise NotImplementedError(f'Define {self.__class__._name__}.dtype') return self._dtype @dtype.setter def dtype(self, value: np.dtype): if not isinstance(np.dtype(value), np.dtype): raise TypeError(f'Invalid type for "dtype": {type(value)}') self._dtype = np.dtype(value)
[docs]class EncodingChunkSpec(BaseChunkSpec): PREFIX = 'encoding'
[docs]class DecodingChunkSpec(BaseChunkSpec): PREFIX = 'decoding'
[docs]class LabelChunkSpec(BaseChunkSpec): PREFIX = 'label'
[docs]class ChunkExtractor: def __init__(self, df, chunk_specs): # Check tag duplication. tags = [spec.tag for spec in chunk_specs] if len(tags) != len(set(tags)): raise ValueError( f'Tags are duplicated. {[s.tag for s in chunk_specs]}.' ) self.chunk_specs = chunk_specs self.chunk_min_t = min(spec.range[0] for spec in chunk_specs) self.chunk_max_t = max(spec.range[1] for spec in chunk_specs) self.chunk_length = self.chunk_max_t - self.chunk_min_t self.time_index_values = np.arange(len(df)) self._preprocess(df) def _preprocess(self, df): = {} for spec in self.chunk_specs: values = df[spec.names].astype(spec.dtype).values if len(values.shape) == 1: values = values[:, np.newaxis][spec.tag] = values def extract(self, start_time_index, return_time_index=False): assert start_time_index + self.chunk_min_t >= 0 times = self.time_index_values[ start_time_index + self.chunk_min_t : start_time_index + self.chunk_max_t ] chunk_dict = {} for spec in self.chunk_specs: array =[spec.tag][ start_time_index + self.chunk_min_t : start_time_index + self.chunk_max_t ] range_ = ( spec.range[0] - self.chunk_min_t, spec.range[1] - self.chunk_min_t, ) chunk_dict[spec.tag] = array[slice(*range_)] # Time index information. if return_time_index: chunk_dict[f'{spec.tag}.time_index'] = times[slice(*range_)] return chunk_dict
[docs]class ChunkInverter: def __init__(self, chunk_specs: list[BaseChunkSpec]): """Class to convert tensor to DataFrame.""" self.chunk_specs = chunk_specs # Core tag to names dict. self.core_tag_dict = {} for spec in chunk_specs: core_tag = spec.tag.split('.')[1] if core_tag not in self.core_tag_dict: self.core_tag_dict[core_tag] = spec.names else: a = np.array(self.core_tag_dict[core_tag]) b = np.array(spec.names) assert np.all(a == b) self.tag_dict = {spec.tag: spec.names for spec in chunk_specs} def _convert_to_numpy(self, tensor: torch.Tensor | np.ndarray): if isinstance(tensor, np.ndarray): return tensor elif isinstance(tensor, torch.Tensor): return tensor.cpu().numpy() else: raise TypeError(f'Invalid type for tensor {type(tensor)}') def _infer_shape(self, tensor: np.ndarray): pass def invert(self, tag: str, tensor: torch.Tensor | np.ndarray): if tag in self.tag_dict: names = self.tag_dict[tag] elif tag in self.core_tag_dict: names = self.core_tag_dict[tag] elif tag.split('.')[1] in self.core_tag_dict: names = self.core_tag_dict[tag.split('.')[1]] else: raise ValueError(f'"{tag}" not in chunk_specs.') data = self._convert_to_numpy(tensor) da = xr.DataArray( data=data, dims=('batch_index', 'time_index', 'feature'), name='', ) # TODO: support for multi-dimensional features (like video). df = da.to_dataframe().unstack(2) df.columns = names return df def invert_dict( self, data: dict[str, torch.Tensor | np.ndarray], ): outputs = {} for tag, tensor in data.items(): print(tag) outputs[tag] = self.invert(tag, tensor) return outputs