Source code for deep_time_series.core

from collections import defaultdict
from typing import Any, Callable

import pytorch_lightning as pl
import torch
import torch.distributions
import torch.nn as nn
from torchmetrics import Metric, MetricCollection

from .util import merge_dicts

[docs]class MetricModule(nn.Module): def __init__( self, tag: str, metrics: Metric | list[Metric] | dict[str, Metric] ): """Module for metrics. It's a wrapper of MetricCollections for training, validation and test stage. It's used in BaseHead class. In general, it's not used directly by users. """ super().__init__() self.tag = tag if tag.startswith('head.'): self.head_tag = tag self.label_tag = f'label.{tag[5:]}' else: self.head_tag = f'head.{tag}' self.label_tag = f'label.{tag}' metrics = MetricCollection(metrics) self._metric_dict = nn.ModuleDict( { '_train': metrics.clone(prefix=f'train/{tag}.'), '_val': metrics.clone(prefix=f'val/{tag}.'), '_test': metrics.clone(prefix=f'test/{tag}.'), } ) def forward(self, outputs, batch, stage): return self._metric_dict[f'_{stage}']( outputs[self.head_tag], batch[self.label_tag] ) def compute(self, stage): return self._metric_dict[f'_{stage}'].compute() def update(self, outputs, batch, stage): self._metric_dict[f'_{stage}'].update( outputs[self.head_tag], batch[self.label_tag] ) def reset(self, stage): self._metric_dict[f'_{stage}'].reset()
[docs]class BaseHead(nn.Module): _SPECIAL_ATTRIBUTES = ('tag', 'loss_weight', 'metrics') def __init__(self): """Base class of all Head classes. Head is a module that takes the output of the last layer of body and produces the output of the model. It also calculates the loss and metrics. User have to define following attributes: * tag: str Tag for a head. Prefix 'head.' is added automatically. * loss_weight: float Loss weight for loss calculations. * metrics: Metric | list[Metric] | dict[str, Metric] Metrics for training, validation and test stage. User have to define following methods: * forward(self, inputs: Any) -> torch.Tensor Forward method of the head. * get_outputs(self) -> dict[str, Any] Get outputs of the head. It produces a dictionary of outputs from internal state of the head. * reset(self) Reset the internal states of the head. * calculate_loss(self, outputs: dict[str, Any], batch: dict[str, Any]) -> torch.Tensor Calculate loss of the head. """ super().__init__() self._tag = None self._loss_weight = None self._metrics = None def __setattr__(self, name, value): if name in BaseHead._SPECIAL_ATTRIBUTES: return object.__setattr__(self, name, value) else: return super().__setattr__(name, value) @property def tag(self) -> str: """Tag for a head. Prefix 'head.' is added automatically.""" if self._tag is None: raise NotImplementedError(f'Define {self.__class__.__name__}.tag') else: return self._tag @tag.setter def tag(self, value: str): if not isinstance(value, str): raise TypeError(f'Invalid type for "tag": {type(value)}') if not value.startswith('head.'): value = f'head.{value}' self._tag = value @property def metrics(self) -> MetricModule: if self._metrics is None: raise NotImplementedError( f'Define {self.__class__.__name__}.metrics' ) else: return self._metrics @metrics.setter def metrics(self, value: Metric | list[Metric] | dict[str, Metric]): metric_module = MetricModule(tag=self.tag, metrics=value) self._metrics = metric_module @property def has_metrics(self): return self._metrics is not None @property def loss_weight(self) -> float: """Loss weight for loss calculations.""" if self._loss_weight is None: self._loss_weight = 1.0 return self._loss_weight @loss_weight.setter def loss_weight(self, value: float): if not isinstance(value, (float, int)): raise TypeError(f'Invalid type for "loss_weight": {type(value)}') elif value < 0: raise ValueError('loss_weight < 0') self._loss_weight = value @property def label_tag(self) -> str: """Tag of target label. If the tag of head is "head.my_tag" then label_tag is "label.my_tag". """ return f'label.{self.tag[5:]}' def forward(self, inputs: Any) -> torch.Tensor: raise NotImplementedError(f'Define {self.__class__.__name__}.forward()') def get_outputs(self) -> dict[str, Any]: raise NotImplementedError( f'Define {self.__class__.__name__}.get_outputs()' ) def reset(self): raise NotImplementedError(f'Define {self.__class__.__name__}.reset()') def calculate_loss( self, outputs: dict[str, Any], batch: dict[str, Any] ) -> torch.Tensor: raise NotImplementedError( f'Define {self.__class__.__name__}.calculate_loss()' )
[docs]class DistributionHead(BaseHead): def __init__( self, tag: str, distribution: torch.distributions.Distribution, in_features: int, out_features: int, loss_weight: float = 1.0, metrics: Metric | list[Metric] | dict[str, Metric] = None, ): super().__init__() self.tag = tag self.loss_weight = loss_weight if metrics is not None: self.metrics = metrics linears = {} transforms = {} for k, v in distribution.arg_constraints.items(): # 'logits' is prefered. if k == 'probs': continue linears[k] = nn.Linear(in_features, out_features) transforms[k] = torch.distributions.transform_to(v) self.distribution = distribution self.linears = nn.ModuleDict(linears) self.transforms = transforms self._outputs = defaultdict(list) def forward(self, x): kwargs = { k: self.transforms[k](layer(x)) for k, layer in self.linears.items() } m = self.distribution(**kwargs) y = m.sample() for k, v in kwargs.items(): self._outputs[f'{self.tag}.{k}'].append(v) self._outputs[self.tag].append(y) return y def get_outputs(self): outputs = {} for k, v in self._outputs.items(): outputs[k] =, dim=1) return outputs def reset(self): self._outputs = defaultdict(list) def calculate_loss(self, outputs, batch) -> torch.Tensor: kwargs = {k: outputs[f'{self.tag}.{k}'] for k in self.linears.keys()} m = self.distribution(**kwargs) return -torch.mean(m.log_prob(batch[self.label_tag]))
[docs]class ForecastingModule(pl.LightningModule): _SPECIAL_ATTRIBUTES = ( 'encoding_length', 'decoding_length', 'head', 'heads', ) def __init__(self): """Base class of all forecasting modules.""" super().__init__() self._encoding_length = None self._decoding_length = None self._heads = None def __setattr__(self, name, value): if name in ForecastingModule._SPECIAL_ATTRIBUTES: return object.__setattr__(self, name, value) else: return super().__setattr__(name, value) @property def encoding_length(self) -> int: """Encoding length.""" if self._encoding_length is None: raise NotImplementedError( f'Define {self.__class__.__name__}.encoding_length' ) else: return self._encoding_length @encoding_length.setter def encoding_length(self, value: int): if not isinstance(value, int): raise TypeError( f'Invalid type for "encoding_length": {type(value)}' ) elif value <= 0: raise ValueError('Encoding length <= 0.') self._encoding_length = value @property def decoding_length(self) -> int: if self._decoding_length is None: raise NotImplementedError( f'Define {self.__class__.__name__}.decoding_length' ) else: return self._decoding_length @decoding_length.setter def decoding_length(self, value: int): if not isinstance(value, int): raise TypeError( f'Invalid type for "decoding_length": {type(value)}' ) elif value <= 0: raise ValueError('Decoding length <= 0.') self._decoding_length = value @property def heads(self) -> list[BaseHead]: if self._heads is None: raise NotImplementedError(f'Define {self.__class__.__name__}.heads') else: return self._heads @heads.setter def heads(self, heads: list[BaseHead]): if not isinstance(heads, list): raise TypeError(f'Invalid type for "heads". {type(heads)}') elif not all(isinstance(head, BaseHead) for head in heads): raise TypeError( f'Invalid type for "heads". {[type(v) for v in heads]}' ) self._heads = nn.ModuleList(heads) @property def head(self) -> BaseHead: if self._heads is None: raise NotImplementedError(f'Define {self.__class__.__name__}.heads') elif len(self._heads) != 1: raise Exception('Multi-head model cannot use head.') else: return self._heads[0] @head.setter def head(self, head: BaseHead): if not isinstance(head, BaseHead): raise TypeError(f'Invalid type for "heads". {type(head)}') self.heads = [head] def encode(self, inputs: dict[str, Any]) -> dict[str, Any]: raise NotImplementedError(f'Define {self.__class__.__name__}.encode()') def decode_train(self, inputs: dict[str, Any]) -> dict[str, Any]: return self.decode_eval(inputs) def decode_eval(self, inputs: dict[str, Any]) -> dict[str, Any]: NotImplementedError(f'Define {self.__class__.__name__}.decode()') def decode(self, inputs): if return self.decode_train(inputs) else: return self.decode_eval(inputs) def forward(self, inputs: dict[str, Any]) -> dict[str, Any]: encoder_outputs = self.encode(inputs) decoder_inputs = merge_dicts([inputs, encoder_outputs]) outputs = self.decode(decoder_inputs) return outputs def make_chunk_specs(self): pass def calculate_loss( self, outputs: dict[str, Any], batch: dict[str, Any] ) -> dict[str, Any]: loss = 0 for head in self.heads: loss += head.loss_weight * head.calculate_loss(outputs, batch) return loss def forward_metrics( self, outputs: dict[str, Any], batch: dict[str, Any], stage: str, ) -> dict[str, Any]: metrics = {} for head in self.heads: if not head.has_metrics: continue # It's a dictionary's update method. # Don't confuse with update of TorchMetric. metrics.update( # __call__ of TorchMetric. head.metrics(outputs=outputs, batch=batch, stage=stage) ) return metrics def update_metrics( self, outputs: dict[str, Any], batch: dict[str, Any], stage: str, ) -> None: for head in self.heads: if not head.has_metrics: continue head.metrics.update(outputs=outputs, batch=batch, stage=stage) def compute_metrics(self, stage: str) -> dict[str, Any]: metrics = {} for head in self.heads: if not head.has_metrics: continue metrics.update(head.metrics.compute(stage=stage)) return metrics def reset_metrics(self, stage: str) -> None: for head in self.heads: if not head.has_metrics: continue head.metrics.reset(stage=stage) def training_step( self, batch: dict[str, Any], batch_idx: int ) -> dict[str, Any]: outputs = self(batch) loss = self.calculate_loss(outputs, batch) # Update and evaluate metric. metrics = self.forward_metrics(outputs, batch, stage='train') self.log('train/loss', loss) # Log instant metrics. self.log_dict(metrics) return loss def on_train_epoch_end(self) -> None: # Don't log epoch averaged metrics. Just reset the states. self.reset_metrics(stage='train') def validation_step( self, batch: dict[str, Any], batch_idx: int, dataloader_idx: int = 0, ): outputs = self(batch) loss = self.calculate_loss(outputs, batch) # Don't log metrics yet. self.update_metrics(outputs, batch, stage='val') # loss will be epoch averaged. self.log('val/loss', loss) def on_validation_epoch_end(self) -> None: metrics = self.compute_metrics(stage='val') self.log_dict(metrics) self.reset_metrics(stage='val') def test_step( self, batch: dict[str, Any], batch_idx: int, dataloader_idx: int = 0, ): outputs = self(batch) loss = self.calculate_loss(outputs, batch) # Don't log metrics yet. self.update_metrics(outputs, batch, stage='test') # loss will be epoch averaged. self.log('test/loss', loss) def on_test_epoch_end(self) -> None: metrics = self.compute_metrics(stage='test') self.log_dict(metrics) self.reset_metrics(stage='test')